
Welcome to Term 4

Dear parents,

I trust you enjoyed the term break.

Term 4 is now underway. We look forward to a number of celebrations that will allow time for remembrance and reflection, concluding the year with our Christmas Celebration and Graduation Ceremony.

This morning we reminded the children of our school virtues, and how to put them into practice whilst being a good friend. Some of the examples shared by the children were:

  • using wisdom when helping a friend; asking a teacher (or trusted adult when not at school) when advice is needed,
  • showing courage by admitting when we know we haven’t made the best choice or need to say sorry,
  • using temperance to pause when needed before speaking,
  • show justice by considering and including all your friends.

I am sure you would agree – having children thinking and taking action like this can only place them in good stead as they grow towards adulthood.

Mrs Ramsay compiles the school’s wellbeing document each term. This is based on our school’s virtues. You may wish to utilise the same language and statements at home to further reinforce our common objective, whilst providing consistency.

I hope to see you all before or after school this week.

Thierry Clarisse – Principal

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