

Independent Schools Victoria

Independent Schools Victoria is a champion for choice and diversity. ISV represents more than 220 member schools that educate more than 142,000 students in over 370 schools in Victoria, Australia and internationally.

ISV’s Parents Website provides an expertly selected range of news, features and resources for parents on raising and educating children. This is especially useful at a time when parents are under extraordinary pressure.


A renaissance in Education

Erasmus Primary School is part of the worldwide group of Renaissance schools. These schools share the same guiding principles which were initially modelled on the first school for children, St James Schools, London, established in 1975.


St James Schools, London, www.stjamesschools.co.uk
Junior boys and girls, www.stjamesschools.co.uk/juniorschools
Senior boys, www.stjamesschools.co.uk/seniorboys
Senior girls, www.stjamesschools.co.uk/seniorgirls


John Colet School, Sydney, www.johncolet.nsw.edu.au

New Zealand

Ficino School, Auckland, www.ficino.school.nz


John Scottus School, Dublin, www.johnscottus.ie

South Africa

St James School, Johannesburg and Durban, www.stjamesschool.co.za

The Carribean

Trinidad Renaissance School, Trinidad and Tobago, https://trinidadrenaissance.com/

In a family there is a unity. This has an extraordinary protective power. One of the things about a family is that it looks after every member, and through the family everybody in the community is looked after.

Leon MacLaren

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