Why Erasmus

The primary years are the time to lay a firm foundation for the adult of tomorrow. At the heart of all that we do at Erasmus Primary School is the desire to provide each student with what he or she needs to flourish and live a civilised and cultured life for the good of society.

This means developing a character that is caring, thoughtful, resilient, happy, effective and disciplined. Through the provision of the finest materials, a rich and rigorous academic program, performing and fine arts, physical education, classical languages, philosophy, meditation and service, we seek to empower each student to express his or her unique talents wholeheartedly with true self-confidence.

Our focus is the cultivation of every aspect of our students – body, mind, heart and spirit.

Thus it remains to the school to see that true knowledge and proper discipline are imparted to the youngsters, with which they would become living examples of a good life in society and would also attract others towards this.

Sri Shantananda Sarasvati

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