
About Us

Erasmus Primary School is an independent, non-denominational primary school that draws on some of the great philosophic traditions from around the world. We are devoted to providing the finest education for Years Prep – 6, and are part of the worldwide group of Renaissance Schools.

  • Our focus is the cultivation of every aspect of our students – body, mind, heart and spirit.
  • We offer an ambitious and creative curriculum including philosophy, meditation and mindfulness as a way of nurturing these four aspects.
  • All staff and students eat together every day, enjoying a freshly prepared vegetarian morning tea and lunch.
  • We are open from 8.00 am. A bonus for working parents, and an opportunity for students to reconnect and play together before the school day starts at 8.25 am.
  • We nurture the power of attention. We recognise focussed attention as the master key to the development of your child. We use simple mindfulness exercises to help focus the mind and enable our students to develop inner quiet, strength and steadiness. They are then able to attend to the task at hand with greater application.
  • We build character and encourage kindness and respect.

The first Renaissance School was established in London in the 1970s – St James Schools London. Since then others have been established around the world –  Johannesburg and Durban; John Scottus School Dublin; John Colet School Sydney and Ficino School Auckland. Erasmus Primary School was first established in 1996 by the School of Philosophy Melbourne. A group of teachers and parents inspired by the philosophy teachings wanted to offer traditional education grounded in philosophy to children. Since its inception in 1996, Erasmus Primary School has been dedicated to using philosophy in education, developing the inner as well as the outer person, and looking for balance between the body, mind, heart and spirit in raising a reasonable and harmonious child.

All of the Renaissance schools share the same guiding ethos, which acknowledges that every person shares the same universal essence, and that given the right conditions, all have the capacity to grow to their full potential.

The only building factor which faces the reasonable man is building characters. Particularly before the age of sixteen it is very essential that certain foundations must be laid before young people proceed into the world for activity and their position.

Sri Shantananda Sarasvati

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