
We provide a thorough, systematic grounding in all subjects including English, Mathematics, Scripture and Philosophy, Science, Health and Physical Education, History, and Geography. We take a classical approach to languages including studies in Sanskrit and Latin. A diverse range of visual and performing arts programs includes Art, Music, Drama and Dance, and activities such as Needlework, Woodwork and Calligraphy. These pursuits greatly assist in the development of intellectual and cognitive skills, self-expression and fine and gross motor skills.

We use simple mindfulness exercises to help focus the mind and enable children to develop an inner quiet, strength and steadiness. They are then able to attend with greater application to the task at hand. For example, the children learn to pause and be still and quiet for a few moments before and after each activity. From the age of 10, about 10 minutes is set aside twice a day for quiet reflective time. With parental approval, these older children can learn meditation.

To help monitor academic progress, students participate in class assessments, recognised standardised tests for Literacy and Numeracy as well as National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in Years 3 and 5. Students may be involved in external competitions in English, Mathematics, Science, Languages, Poetry and Sport, as well as Music Recitals, Eisteddfods and Visual Arts Displays.

The school has an ongoing process of reporting student progress and achievements to parents through parent–teacher interviews and written reports. Information evenings are also scheduled to brief parents on what is ahead.

Homework provides students with opportunities to consolidate their classroom learning, to practise and establish behaviour for lifelong learning beyond the classroom, and to involve family members in their learning. The setting of homework takes into account the need for students to have a balanced lifestyle. This includes sufficient time for family, recreational and cultural pursuits.

A well-balanced, happy child is a motivated learner. Placing the developmental needs of students foremost, we aim to strengthen the home/school partnership through our Homework Policy, focusing on both the pastoral and academic needs of the individual student.

You must acquire the best knowledge first, and without delay; it is the height of madness to learn what you will later have to unlearn.


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