

A key priority at Erasmus is to introduce our students to the words of the wise in daily life and to provide opportunities to apply their wisdom in practice. Our students are encouraged to be truthful, caring and generous and to see truth, beauty and goodness in themselves and the world. They are invited to serve others with an open heart and to keep an open mind free of prejudice. In this way they are inspired to understand themselves, the world in which they live and how they relate to it so they can become a living reflection of the truth and unity in us all.
Great philosophic and religious teachings from around the world that demonstrate universally recognised truths are introduced by way of rich and varied literature, discussion and reflection. This provide students an opportunity to then apply their thought, words and actions into their daily lives.

Truth about anything can be judged very simply. Truth is that which is always the same, never changing, indestructible, neither improves nor decays.

Sri Shantananda Sarasvati

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