At Erasmus Primary School, we aim to create a good balance between traditional teaching methods and new technologies. Technology is an integral aspect of the world we live in. The children are introduced to the concept of technology as a vehicle for research, composition, creativity, communication, information storage and sharing. They gain an appreciation that technology is one of many tools used for learning, researching and gaining knowledge.
Students participate in weekly information and communications technologies (ICT) classes which incorporate hardware and software technology, basic concepts of innovation, development and creativity using sequencing, robotics and coding.
In the early years, the focus is on a basic understanding of technology and how computers work. From the middle years onwards, students are introduced to touch typing, email, various ways of storing information, social media and creating animations and games. Students become familiar with and gain working knowledge of basic computer skills such as Word publishing and multimedia presentations.
Within all classes we emphasise cybersafety and digital citizenship. We encourage the students to become positive, safe and kind users of digital technologies who have a digital footprint that they can be proud of.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.