Welcome back, again!

After the final week of remote learning during Stage 4 lockdown, Monday (12 October) of Term 4 Week 2 was a magical day, seeing the children so happy to be back, with smiles from ear to ear! It was not chaotic in any way, just genuine contentment to be back at school, among friends and teachers. I also know, from the parent’s smiles and comments, that it is a welcome step towards some level of normality.

As this strange year has unfolded and we have been unable to go about our usual routines, many have had the realisation that our need for person-to-person connection is paramount. For children and adults alike, we need a connection in which we are cared for, supported and loved. With this top of mind, this term we will focus on connection for the wellbeing of all in our community. Connection between children, their teachers, other staff members, parents and friends.

Being back in the classroom, we will also be focusing on everyone finishing the year well and preparing all students for their new class (or Senior School) next year. No doubt, it will be an engaging term for all.

During lockdown, our very own ‘Mr Tim’ has kept the Stage 1 project progressing. In a few weeks, weather permitting, we will see the major works completed. Not too long thereafter, the new boy’s toilet block will be completed and this will be followed by enhancements to our playgrounds.

I commend you all for a job well done in supporting your child(ren) during our remote learning phase. The one take away for me is that we got through it, together!

I look forward to seeing you all just to exchange a smile, a wave, or a short greeting either before, or after school. Remain present and take care,

Thierry Clarisse – Principal

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