Mindfulness for Life – 4 evenings online from 6 July
Mindfulness can be described both as a form of meditation and a way of living. For millennia the world’s great wisdom traditions have embraced the principles and practice of mindfulness by various names but in recent times it has been ‘discovered’ by the mainstream. Mindfulness has generated enormous interest in fields as diverse as mental health, neuroscience, genetics, education, sport and leadership. It may be the single most important life skill we ever develop.
‘Mindfulness for Life: science, practice and philosophy’ is an informative, experiential and interactive course, exploring not just the theory, philosophy and science of mindfulness but also how to apply it to various aspects of life. The course includes a series of interactive presentations exploring the scientific underpinnings of mindfulness and the evidence regarding its use in various settings as well as guided mindfulness practices. Participants are encouraged to apply the practices between sessions and share insights and ask questions the following week.
The course will be offered over four evenings running from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. No prior learning or experience with mindfulness is required. Places are limited so booking ahead is recommended. Please find below detailed information including the dates, time and enrolment link.
Presented by Dr. Craig Hassed OAM
Tue 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th of July 2021
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Cost: $60
Dr. Craig Hassed is renowned as a pioneer in the use of mindfulness meditation within the medical world and beyond. He helps people to use mindfulness for their personal use as a means of reducing stress, promoting mental and physical wellbeing and improving performance.
Dr. Hassed has published many articles in peer reviewed journals and books on the benefits of mindfulness and speaks at national and international forums promoting mindfulness practice in a wide range of fields.