I felt the world in my heart
Term 1 Week 9 2020 (last week of term)
In last week’s newsletter, we suggested that more than ever we need to practice the four Erasmus virtues. You may ask, ‘but what does that mean for me at this time?’ Here are some suggestions:
…I will follow the up-to-date advice and do what is needed
…I can face the current worldwide situation by stepping over the fear, with acceptance and love
…I will exercise moderation in following COVID-19 media coverage
…I will take a world view in my choices even if I am personally not worried about the virus.
It is a special school community we have. We have received so many emails and messages of positivity, appreciation and gratitude for the school’s approach to COIVD-19. It is a difficult time for everyone and your encouragement means so much.
As we move into the school holidays and potentially remote learning in Term 2, one resource that may help parents is The parents’ website offered by Independent School’s Victoria. It’s a veritable cornucopia of professionally curated articles and information from a range of writers and sources.
We hope everyone stays safe, well, connected, and present!