I can’t believe that I’ve spent the last 25 years teaching at Erasmus. Time has moved like a flash of lightning. What an incredibly blessed journey I’ve had.
The beginning of my journey began when I first heard the whisper that The School of Philosophy was starting up a day school. That was when I decided (or rather this was more of a calling) that I was going to teach Art at this new school. How this was going to transpire I had no idea, I trusted that it would, and it must have been completely right for it fell into place beautifully.
25 years down the track I can say that I have had the most excellent privilege of teaching many children art and working alongside exemplary teachers and guides for which I am absolutely indebted to. Through them and with years of self work I have discovered that teaching children art comes with great responsibility. It’s not just about teaching new information, techniques, or getting good results, it’s about unconditional love for the students and acceptance of whatever they are able to create. I don’t consider teaching Art as work, it is an act of love and Erasmus has been the perfect environment for this love to flourish.
It is rare in this day and age to be able to connect spiritually with children, and is effortless when the teacher and the child are working with love. If I ask a child to put love into their work they understand what I am asking.
I cherish the recitation of Sanskrit prayers and the pause at the beginning of each lesson, as this is where the stillness emerges. This is an excellent place to start a lesson
I love the way the children trust my judgement, I can present them anything, and at times it may seem to be way beyond their ability but they rise up to meet the challenge with no limitations, this is so heartwarming.
Talking about heart warming, I can’t count the number of times the heart has melted in all the years I have spent at Erasmus, these special moments are precious and will be treasured as they are imprinted on my heart.
I am grateful that my work at Erasmus hasn’t been empty of purpose. I count my blessings that I have had the most extraordinary career and met extraordinary souls along the way.
And now that my life will be exempt from public haunt, it is time to find tongues in trees, books in running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything.
A deep bow to Mr. Maclaren for his dedication to the truth and Mr.Jepsen for his continual love & support of Erasmus.
Karen Jorgesen-Lade - Art Teacher at Erasmus from 1996-2021