Akemi Schubert piano lessons T&Cs

Teacher’s name. Mrs Akemi Schubert
Number of lessons: 32 lessons per year
Lesson day: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday morning
Lesson time: Timetable: rotation between students on Wednesday and Friday.
Lesson term fee:
30 mins….. $530
40 mins……$700
50 mins……$870

Please note you will NOT receive individual invoices for each term as the term fee will be the same each term.


Text/sms to 0423872661
Make up lessons are NOT given in the case of :
-absence without notice by 8 pm the previous night
-absence due to family holiday
A Maximum of two Make up lessons per year will be given in case of:
-absence with medical certificate
-absence with notice given by 8 pm the previous night

Make up lessons will be given in the case of:
-the teacher’s absence
-official school activities

Termination. One term in advance notice in writing.
One term absence
50% of term fee to secure your place.
Resume lessons the following term.
If you don’t wish to pay this fee, you will be placed in the waiting list.
Annual concert “Piano Extravaganza”
The date will be advised later in the year.
Contact. akemi927@icloud.com
Phone number: 0423872661

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