
Year 4 Camp Manyung

Year 4 recently returned from Camp Manyung. This was their first experience of spending time away from home as a class. They stayed for three days and two nights in a large building called the Regatta House and during their time at camp took part in many exciting and challenging experiences.

Day 1 involved the children working as a team, tackling the challenges of the initiatives course as well as facing their fears when stacking and climbing to the top of huge crate towers. The second day introduced the outdoor bush-cooking and treetop obstacle courses as well as a walk to the beach for a rockpool ramble and an independent, GPS-led treasure hunt known as ‘geocaching’. Their final day provided two very thrilling and scary activities as they ended with the much anticipated flying fox and giant swing.

All of the children had a fantastic time and are looking forward to sharing some of the photographs and videos in an upcoming assembly with everybody.

— Ricky Evans, Class Teacher

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