Welcome back to a brand new school year

Welcome to the new school year. I trust you enjoyed some quiet time with family and friends, together with a good mix of adventure and excitement with your children, over the break.

It was such an uplifting feeling having everyone come together on the first day of school this morning. During Assembly, we spoke about the meaning and effect of our school motto ‘Let Your Light Shine.’ I couldn’t help but see this in action during the devastating bushfires with firefighters, volunteers, and aid coming from everywhere – nationwide and overseas. I truly believe this is what people do best; be of service when others are in need; it comes from within. It is important that we acknowledge hardship, devastation and allow for grieving; honouring our emotions, whatever the reality is. As significant is the importance of seeing, acknowledging and communicating the good that comes from such events. In this way, our children are made aware of the good and how being of service is part of our make up and critical to our communities.

Our Stage 1 Project is progressing well, albeit a little behind due to last week’s downpour which delayed the asphalting. Nonetheless, the project has and is running smoothly under the leadership of our very own, Mr Tim FitzRoy. Your patience and understanding of any temporary inconveniences are greatly appreciated. Please be careful as you move around the site and mindful of those around you.

I look forward to seeing you all before or after school in the coming days.

Kind regards,

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