House Cross-Country Carnival
On Tuesday, the children ran their cross-country races at Fairview Park. It turned into a glorious sunny day as the first group of children tightened their laces and stepped onto the starting line. Every child who started a race finished it! This showed amazing perseverance and courage, as some were either apprehensive or daunted by the task. We are so proud of their excellent efforts and they should be too. The chorus of cheers from each House rang out across the field as everyone crossed the finish line. It was great to see many of the older children ensuring that children in their House completed the run, often running alongside them to encourage them. The House Captains did a wonderful job.
Thank you to the many parents who assisted on the day with marshalling and walking supervision. Also, a huge thank you to the Cross-Country Captain, Mrs Irvine, and the dedicated staff for providing support to ensure the day ran smoothly.
The final tally of House points below shows what a close and exciting carnival it was.
1. Phillip 202 points
2. MacKillop 194 points
3. Paterson 190 points
Miss Rebecca Sims, PE Coordinator