Harmony Day 2023
On Tuesday this week (14 March 2023), the school was awash with colour and joy as children arrived dressed in clothing representing their cultural heritage, or simply in orange – the official colour of Harmony Day (the colour orange represents conversation and connectedness). A number of parents joined us in the school hall for a magnificent open assembly celebrating inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone in Australia. Flags of many nations adorned our stage. Harmony Day has been celebrated across our country on March 21 every year since 1999. It is a time to think of our First Nations People and to celebrate the millions of people who have settled in Australia from other countries. Did you know that nearly half of all Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was? It was clear from our Assembly that Erasmus is highly multicultural! It makes for very rich sharing.
Audrey, the mother of one of our Year 2 students, gave a wonderful presentation of their Chinese and Malaysian heritage. Thank you so much, Audrey!
The children sang Accidentally Kelly Street beautifully.
Thank you to you all for your efforts to enter into the spirit of the day.
May we take care of one another so that our school is a place of harmony, peace and belonging for everyone.
May we create a space where we can all be truly ourselves, whatever the colour of our skin, whatever our culture or religion.
May we help to make Australia a just and compassionate nation for all people.
Ms Pope