Celebrating Our Light

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to watch the film “The Nativity Story” with our Years 5 and 6 students. This was the first time that I had seen this film, and I was incredibly moved by its messages of faith and hope. These are important messages at any time of year, but they resonate strongly through our community and the wider world at Christmas.

One part of the film that truly stood out for me was the portrayal of the journey of the three wise men as they made their way to witness the birth of Jesus. These wise men were visited by the Archangel Gabriel, who told them that they would be guided to their destination by the Star of Bethlehem. They showed great faith in taking this journey and were profoundly changed by what they witnessed.

As I watched the film, it struck me that the journey of the wise men has a strong connection to our school motto, “Let your Light Shine.” On a daily basis, we encourage our students to be guided by the light that shines within them. In becoming more aware of the light that exists within each of them and by allowing their light to shine, like the wise men, they will make a journey to find goodness and truth in the world. The story of the wise men shows us that if we allow ourselves to be guided by the light within us, we will arrive exactly where we are meant to be, finding Wisdom, Justice, Temperance and Courage along the way.

In the coming days, there will be many opportunities for students, staff and parents to celebrate the light that shines brightly within our entire community. I know that our Year 6 Graduation, Christmas Service and Awards Ceremony will be wonderful occasions to mark the journey of our students over the course of this year. I look forward to seeing our community at these events as we celebrate 2022 together.

I wish you and your families joy and happiness at this special time of year.

Mr Adam Somes – Principal

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