Category: Latest News
A new term and new girls’ summer uniform
Welcome back everyone! Starting from this term, Erasmus girls will have a choice to wear either a summer dress or formal shorts and a short-sleeved blouse. The change…
Website launch
We are very excited to unveil the new Erasmus Primary School website! Thanks to all site visitors for your patience during the re-development period. Stage 1 involved re-designing…
Founder’s Day Performance – The Odyssey
If our founder Mr MacLaren was in the auditorium last Friday night (6 September 2019) what would he have found? A cohesive group of well-rehearsed actors, playing their…
Book Week is the Best
The Preps were thrilled to hear Principal Pirate read a book written by our guest author and professional philosopher Damon Young, called “My Pop is a Pirate.” On…
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to school for 2019, and a special welcome to the new students and families joining us at Erasmus. The classrooms and grounds have been refreshed, and…
House Lunch
For the last meal served at Erasmus in 2018, the students sat in their house groups: Paterson, Mackillop and Phillip. It was such a lovely way to end…
G.A.T.E.Ways success!
G.A.T.E. Ways is an independent, non-funded organisation, established in 1994 to provide opportunities for highly able and gifted children with special educational needs. Today a group of Year…
Year 5 Leadership Camp
Year 5 students enjoyed a wonderful time at Camp Jungai last week. Here are some of their comments: “I overcame my fear of the unknown by just doing…
Founder’s Day Production
Last Friday, the children displayed their dedication and fine acting skills in our performance of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The audience was dazzled and entertained by the antics of…
Year 4 Excursion to the Melbourne Museum
Yesterday, Year 4 visited the Melbourne Museum as part of their current inquiry topic ‘Earth’s changes have an impact on living things’. They visited the Dynamic Earth exhibition…