Book Week 2022 – A week full of colour and happiness
Thank you to all our students for dressing up in wonderful Book Week costumes and to all the parents who came along to our Book Week Parade. Erasmus staff thoroughly enjoyed performing ‘A Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. Special thanks must go to Mrs Jowett – talk about creative director extraordinaire!!!!
During the week it was wonderful to see so many eager faces ready to purchase handfuls of books at the Book Fair in MacLaren Hall. Erasmus will receive books for the classrooms and library as a result of hosting the fair. We are so grateful to you as parents for supporting us in this new initiative. Thank you!!!
After our Book Parade on Monday morning, we also welcomed parents and family members into the classrooms to share learning portfolios. It was wonderful to see the students eagerly sharing work tasks and aspects of their learning journey with you all. It is important to note that the learning portfolios are intended to highlight and document all aspects of the learning journey – work samples, drafts, edits and final pieces and products. Learning is about going through many processes and steps using a variety of strategies. Errors and mistakes are an important aspect of the journey. We consciously demonstrate this as part of the learning process to the students and we encourage the students to value and learn from the errors they make along the way. Learning is not about how a piece of work looks at the end but the process a student has gone through to get to the end point.
Finally, rehearsals for the production of ‘The Ramayana” are coming along nicely. We all anticipate a fabulous performance on Friday 2nd September at The Renaissance Theatre. Please take note of the information that you will be receiving about the schedule to ensure a successful and entertaining evening for us all.
Have a wonderful end to the week.
Melissa Albers – Acting Principal